

In 1982 LLR began to develop various methods that were to modernise French police and forensic science, which had not moved forward in fifty years. Over the next ten years he trained free of charge almost 1500 detectives from the police and the gendarmerie. In particular they learned not to pollute the scene of a crime, and to collect microscopic clues in such a way that they could then be properly analysed by electronic microscope.LLR became an expert in criminology, and through his private laboratory C.A.R.M.E dealt with more than 1500 criminal cases, for the magistracy, for the F.B.I. and the D.S.T. (French counter-espionage service).

In the middle 80s C.A.R.M.E. was so successful that the Ministry of the Interior was compelled to update its own laboratories, which it did by purely and simply copying the methods and techniques invented by LLR. Pierre Joxe, then Minister of the Interior, spent 26 million euros (about £18,000,000) on illegally copying the scientific work that LLR had offered the State for free.

The real reason however was that C.A.R.M.E. was known for its independence, and thus was being called in by an increasing number of lawyers and families of victims in cases where the French State was implicated. Le Ribault had become a dangerous menace.

Events came to a climax. He was criticised in the press and the media, while the Minister of the Interior led a campaign of false information and defamation against him. The State took a sudden decision that analysis of evidence in criminal cases should be entrusted only to the public services. From one day to the next, requests stopped arriving at the La Teste laboratory.

C.A.R.M.E. could not withstand such an onslaught, and closed its doors in September 1991. Loïc Le Ribault was ruined. He lodged a complaint against the Minister of the Interior for counterfeit of patent, plagiary, defamation and illegal competition.

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